The Horizontal Directional Drilling PowerTool



Horizontal directional drilling is one of the most complex operations pipeline engineers can perform. The Horizontal Directional Drilling PowerTool (HDDPT) applies advanced industry knowledge to guide you in the design, engineering, and installation phases of horizontal drilling. Using this innovative tool, pipeline engineers reduce costs, operational complexity, and construction risk.

Horizontal Directional Drilling and Trenching Challenges

Poor Planning and Mud Management

Poorly defined fluid characteristics or mud requirements lead to delays, breaks, and repairs.

Maximize drilling efficiency and wellbore stability by identifying fluid characteristics and mud requirements. You’ll get the job right on the first attempt, eliminating unnecessary costs and risks.

Complex Design Analysis

Inaccurate pull-force calculations and installation analyses lead to delays, breaks, and repairs.

HDDPT gives you full control of borehole design and resulting forces on the pull back piping to maximize the pull load and eliminate failures during installation for steel and plastic pipe.

Cable Installation

Putting cables in conduits involves a broad range of variables.

HDDPT makes it easier to put cables in conduits and determine jam ratios, clearance, tension by location, and sidewall pressures for successful and efficient cable installation.

Pull-Force Loads

Inaccurate calculations cause plastic pipes to break during installation.

HDDPT performs pull force and installation analysis for plastic pipe. It determines the maximum plastic pipe stresses to eliminate failure during pipe installation.

Borehole Stability

Wrong drilling fluids or pressure loads result in collapse or lost returns.

HDDPT improves borehole stability by enabling proper characterization of drilling fluids, soils, and hydraulic pressures. It ensures borehole stability and eliminates hydro-fracturing during drilling operations.

Excavation Complexity

Pumping equipment is not up to the task.

HDDPT enables accurate pump sizing and RPM settings, to ensure borehole stability and efficient HDD operations with duplex and triplex pumps.

The Horizontal Directional Drilling PowerTool

The Horizontal Directional Drilling PowerTool (HDDPT) is a trusted pipeline planning tool created by pipeline industry veterans to ensure successful horizontal directional drilling operations. It produces valuable insights that lower construction risks and costs, minimize excavation complexity, and provide superior borehole stability. There are many innovative functionalities packed into HDDPT, including intuitive borehole design, streamlined data importation, borehole stability, and customized horizontal directional drilling project reporting. It is applicable to pipes and conduits for various applications including natural gas, petroleum, water and sewer lines, telecommunications, and electric power lines.

The HUBPL enables GIS integration for HDDPT, which allows for the import of GIS/shape data, in many formats, including shp/kml/kmz/gdb files. The result is accurate geospatial referencing of HDD projects in HDDPT calculations. As with all software products from Technical Toolboxes, it comes with full expert industry support as well as both standard and customizable training options.


The Horizontal Directional Drilling PowerTool identifies the fluid characteristics and mud requirements to deal with overburden and particle transport for drilling operations to maximize efficiency and borehole stability. The tool also ensures curvature radius and trajectory align with allowable stresses in pullback strings.  This improves how your engineers design in response to obstacles along the path of your pipeline. It increases efficiency and reduces errors in the HDD process.

HDDPT helps your pipeline engineers account for pipe design, stress, and safety when you are drilling. You can trust the calculations it gives you for the pull forces on the drill string and mud management. Therefore, you can maximize pull-load and eliminate failures during installation.

Yes, HDDPT computes proper characterization of drilling fluids, soils and hydraulic pressures to ensure borehole stability and eliminate hydro-fracturing during drilling operations.

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Technical Toolboxes solutions have been the industry standard for pipeline engineering calculations for over 20 years. Choose the right pipeline solution for every stage and situation in the pipeline life-cycle. This infographic is a visual reference guide. It’s the story of how the platform, applications, and software tools of Technical Toolboxes assist busy pipeline engineers. See the story in pictures. You can set your engineers free to find the next great business opportunity.The Operational Engineers Buyers Guide addresses the many needs of pipeline operations.

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The Pipeline Engineering Solutions Buyers Guide gives you a higher-level understanding of the factors to consider in selecting your solution. In it, you’ll read about maximizing data integration benefits. Also, you’ll learn about solutions from Technical Toolboxes, like the Pipeline Toolbox (PLTB) from Technical Toolboxes.

With the latest data technology, anything that can be defined can be measured, analyzed, and improved. In preparation for this future, the Pipeline Engineering Solutions Buyers Guide outlines how to respond. Download this FREE eBook to find out how deploying your data in new ways gives you a competitive edge in turbulent times.

The Pipeline Engineering Solutions Buyers Guide

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  • Respond to the new PHMSA Mega-Rule
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  • How to improve ROI by transforming data management
  • See how software reduces expensive analytical errors
  • Find out how to retain valuable knowledge with SOPs
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Horizontal Directional Drilling Demonstration Video

Watch the HDD PowerTool Stress Analysis for Pipeline Engineers Video to find out how this suite of tools makes life easier for HDD designers and drillers in the field. This brief demo explains how the HDD PowerTool from Technical Toolboxes provides a best-in-class solution. It demonstrates how the HDD PowerTool delivers precision design tools and up-to-date reporting.

Horizontal Directional Drilling Demonstration Video

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Analyzing Plastic Pipes With The HDD PowerTool

Plastic versus steel? As an HDD engineer today, you are likely to be confronted by the differences between them. If you design and analyze HDD drill paths, a strong understanding of how plastic compares and contrasts with steel is vital. So, this webinar is the perfect opportunity to learn about it from a leading expert.

Analyzing Plastic Pipes With The HDD PowerTool

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HDD Stress Analysis for Pipeline Engineers

Subject matter expert David Willoughby covers the technical concepts and critical factors in designing an HDD crossing. In this video, he drills down on HDD design and construction and its contribution to pipeline projects. The result is a fascinating webinar and the perfect opportunity to explore the engineering principles and concepts of HDD.

HDD Stress Analysis for Pipeline Engineers

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