PRCI On-Bottom Stability Simulator
Unburied submarine pipelines face unique challenges. The environments are as different as unrefined crude is from natural gas. In fact, it is a liquid pipeline environment as opposed to a solid (trenched) or above-ground pipeline. On-bottom pipelines face the additional stresses and strains of currents and wave action, and engineers need calculations that comply with additional standards to analyze them. The latest release of the PRCI On-Bottom Stability Simulator (OBS) extends its leadership in subsea pipeline engineering analysis with modernization, bug-fixes, and new functionalities.
On-Bottom Stability Challenges
The PRCI On-Bottom Stability Simulator
The PRCI On-Bottom Stability Simulator is the world standard for subsea pipeline design and analysis. The latest version of this venerable software toolset has been updated and enhanced. Companies across the industry use it to calculate kinematics from 3-D irregular waves, hydrodynamic force, partial burial, and nonlinear models, as well as time-dependent interaction between pipeline and soil.
This software tool performs detailed analyses of specific pipeline sections subjected to specified environmental conditions. The new release consists of three levels, with Level 1 being used for quick simplified analysis, Level 2 for comprehensive detailed design and modeling (most used), and Level 3 for advanced and complex subsea pipeline design modeling.
The new interface was designed to maintain the overall layout and workflow of the previous version so existing users could quickly and easily become familiarized with the new features. These include structural database enhancements for storing and accessing project models, increased flexibility with user-defined parameters, and added plotting features. It now includes the absolute lateral static stability code check module following DNV-RP-F109 (2011).
Some users have more demanding needs than others. Level 1 being used for quick simplified analysis, Level 2 for comprehensive detailed design and modeling and Level 3 for advanced and very complex subsea pipeline design modeling.
Several enhancements have been made, including:
- Modernization of the user experience
- The addition of plotting features.
- The addition of the absolute lateral static stability code check module
- The addition of the logarithmic boundary layer formulation and marine growth specification option in Level 1, 2 & 3 analysis.
- The addition of the Absolute Stability Method
- The addition of the JONSWAP spectrum in Levels 2 & 3 analysis
- Verley and Lund for clay soils, Verley and Sotberg for sand soils
- The addition of parametric-run functionality for pipe wall thickness and water depth
- The addition of running multiple wave seeds per run.
- The addition of plotting and reporting per wave seed for multiple seeds runs.
PRCI OBS software includes:
- Calculation of kinematics from 3-D irregular waves
- Hydrodynamic force models Models for partial burial
- Non-linear, time-dependent interaction between pipeline and soil
- Non-linear pipeline material properties (for boundary elements)
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The Industry Standard for OBS Analysis and Reporting
The PRCI OBS software is the world standard for subsea pipeline design and stability analysis software. Learn about the features and benefits for your OBS computation, analysis, and reporting needs. This Comprehensive Technical Brochure explains everything you need to know so that you can make an informed choice about your subsea engineering calculation software. The Brochure explains the scope of the tools in the solution, as well as why they matter to pipeline engineers.
Read the brochure to find out about:
- Works with Microsoft Windows versions 7, 8, and 10
- 3 levels of functionality explained
- Comes with ample technical support
- Evaluates pipelines, umbilicals, and fiber optic cables
- Assesses shallow water limits
- Analyzes piggybacked pipelines
- Models hydrodynamics and soil forces
- And much more!
The Industry Standard for Pipeline Engineering Calculations for Over 20 Years
The PRCI On Bottom Stability Software Return on Investment Guide
The PRCI On Bottom Stability Software Return on Investment is for a FREE guide from Technical Toolboxes. To read it, download the eBook and learn how the software reduces risk. Additionally, it may protect your business by saving many millions of dollars in CapEx and OpEx. The Guide is a must for any organization or engineering professional involved in moving liquid or gas products underwater.
To create this guide, PRCI surveyed industry experts on behalf of Technical Toolboxes. To solicit opinions, the questionnaire inquired about the financial aspects of their experiences with subsea pipeline design. In return, the answers that came in were informative and insightful. The survey exposed the depth and breadth of the risks and costs that pipeline engineers face in designing for on-bottom stability.
Download the FREE ebook to read about:
- The new features in OBS v.4 and benefits
- How design errors impact multi-million-dollar assets
- At what point CapEx and OpEx outweigh reserves
- Why software choice is critical to profitability
- The PRCI OBS software ROI for engineers and asset owners
- And much more!