Course Instructor

Bill Amend

Bill Amend has 41 years of experience performing pipeline integrity management, failure analysis, metallurgical engineering, and welding engineering services. His background includes 26 years working for pipeline operators (Unocal and Southern California Gas Co.)  before working for engineering services providers. He is currently Principal Engineer at DNV. He is a co-author of the ASME report CRTD Vol. 91 regarding field measurement of hardness to determine the lower bound yield strength of pipe and has managed and conducted various research projects for ASME, DNV, NYSEARCH and PRCI addressing the continued development and validation of methods for nondestructive determination of pipe properties, chemical analysis of steel, tensile testing, and characteristics of early vintage pipeline girth welds.  He is a registered professional Metallurgical Engineer in California and graduated from California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly SLO).

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