Mike Rosenfeld will present, “ECA of Cracks to Meet the New Requirements in Part 192” as a webinar on December 15, 2021.
Course Description
Types of Cracks in Pipelines
- Pipe Manufacturing defects
- Environmental cracks
- Damage
- Girth welds
- Selective seam weld corrosion
Pipe Fracture Properties
- Pipe specs and steelmaking
- Brittle, ductile, and transition temperature
- Fracture toughness testing
- Default toughness properties in 192.712
- Expected fracture properties of pipe
Calculating the Failure Pressure
- Available models
- Selecting an evaluation method
Calculating the Remaining Life
- Fatigue
Certificate of completion awarding 3 PDHs.
Course notes
Webinar Feedback
This webinar receives a 4.9 out of 5-star rating!
“Presentation was very easy to understand.”
“Easy to follow and interesting. Also enjoyed the option to ask questions verbally.”
“The course was great. Overall it was a great course and I wish I had had it before I took the ASME FFS/API 579 course.”
“It was very thorough.”
“There are not any other instructors that can match Mr. Rosenfeld’s knowledge on this subject.”
“Glad I attended.”
“Very good presentation!”
Instructor Bio
Mike Rosenfeld, Chief Engineer, RSI Pipeline Solutions, LLC
Mr. Rosenfeld is an experienced consultant in pipeline fitness for service, pipeline integrity, pipeline design and construction, causes of pipeline failures, pipeline regulations and standards, and related matters. He has performed numerous pipeline failure investigations and root cause failure analyses; research funded by the pipeline industry on the effects of mechanical damage, fatigue, pipeline integrity threat interactions, and methods to determine the probable grade of undocumented pipe materials; engineering analyses of a broad range of design, operations, or integrity matters for numerous pipeline operators; and provided expert support in litigation. He chairs the Subgroup on Design, Materials, and Construction of the ASME B31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Committee and serves on other ASME piping standards development committees. Mr. Rosenfeld has authored or co-authored over 90 published articles or public presentations dating to 1988, is an ASME Fellow, and is a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Ohio. He previously worked with Kiefner & Associates (27 years), Battelle (6 years), and Impell Corporation (4 years). He earned a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from the University of Michigan (1979) and a Master of Engineering from Carnegie-Mellon University (1981). Mike is the Chief Engineer at RSI Pipeline Solutions, LLC and past President of Kiefner.
Venue: Webinar Event Delivered Online
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