
Technical Toolboxes is a PRCI authorized agent to bring industry-leading calculations to market, like PRCI RSTRENG®, which is the industry standard for calculating the strength and remaining thicknesses of pipes. It answers critical questions about pipeline safety. Parts 192 and 195 of Title 49, US Code of Federal Regulations, stipulate that ASME B31G must be used to assess the remaining strength of a corroded pipe. The PRCI RSTRENG® corrosion assessment tool meets both of these CFR requirements.

For more efficient top-tier remaining strength and effective area analyses, Technical Toolboxes also offers a premium tool, PRCI RSTRENG+®, which includes workflow automation for the zero-out method.  PRCI RSTRENG+® saves valuable engineering time and enables operators to reduce the number of costly integrity digs. The zero out method involves simulating repairs on critical corroded sections of pipe in a way that identifies which specific regions of long-length corrosion areas must be repaired to operate safely, given a desired operating pressure.  Additional enhancements are available on the HUBPL that integrate other IP sources for remaining-strength, remaining life, and re-assessment interval calculations.

Specific Challenges for Corrosion Engineers

Data Automation

Low-quality data and calculation errors add risk and increase your QC workload.

Technical Toolboxes automates quality controls, unifies data storage, and controls calculation parameters so you can deliver accurate results consistently.

Corrosion Analyses

Repeating calculations or changed parameters lead to duplicated workloads and long delays.

Pipeline Toolbox, PRCI AC Mitigation Toolbox and PRCI RSTRENG+® deliver resilient materials performance throughout the pipeline lifecycle.

SOP Alignment

Teams interpret SOPs differently, causing errors and duplicating workloads.

Technical Toolboxes integrates your databases and brings your operations into a unified set of Standard Operating Procedures.

Vast Pipeline Networks

Tens of thousands of miles of pipeline mean that the data is stranded in offices across the continent.

The HUBPL connects PRCI RSTRENG+® and other tools to your data across the pipeline lifecycle, so the users that need fast access to your data have it at their fingertips.

Pipeline Integrity

Corrosion leads to excessive risk and pipeline replacement costs.

Technical Toolboxes offers powerful corrosion analysis tools, like Pipeline Toolbox, PRCI RSTRENG+®, and PRCI AC Mitigation software.

Software Compatibility

Data captured in one software system has to be manually entered into all other applications that analyze the same data.

Technical Toolboxes developed the HUBPL, to connect multiple software programs from different IP sources into an integrated solution that streamlines the user experience and reduces duplication of effort.

Two RSTRENG Solutions


PRCI RSTRENG® is a crucial integrity management tool, and Technical Toolboxes is proud to offer it as a PRCI authorized agent. Corrosion engineers need to know the remaining strength of pipelines in all stages of corrosion, and along extended lengths of pipe.


Most assessment tools evaluate only the most corroded areas, but RSTRENG+ will reveal corrosion throughout the pipe. It includes a “zero-out” feature that lets users assess each portion of a pipeline to repair critical damage. RSTRENG+ is a premium tool to calculate the remaining life and integrity of operational pipelines.
Both PRCI RSTRENG® and RSTRENG+ are offered as desktop and cloud-based tools for corrosion analysis and pipe failure prediction.


At the time that PRCI RSTRENG® was developed, most corrosion lengths on pipelines were less than 20 in. However, pipeline operators are now finding much longer metal loss defects that require the understanding of the entire metal loss region to make a true prediction of the pressures and repairs required.

ASME B31.G and Modified B31.G are Level 1 calculations that can be used as a screening assessment. If the metal loss area passes the maximum safe pressure by taking two measurements (maximum length and depth), then no further detailed assessment is required. Level 2 assessments like PRCI RSTRENG® are performed when Level 1 assessments fail.

The manual process was always a part of corrosion engineers’ workflows.  Because it was so time-consuming, pipeline operators requested that the process be automated and personal computer performance needed to improve before automation was feasible.

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Corrosion Cases 12 Years Apart Reveal Milestones in Pipeline Engineering Digital Integration

The battle against corrosion is never-ending. However, the tools with which engineers wage battle with it are changing fast. This free downloadable case study builds from two actual investigations in corrosion in one pipeline network, twelve years apart. It points out the constant factors and entirely new technology. If your role is in pipeline design and construction, corrosion, integrity, or risk management. This case study paints a picture of how the industry is changing. In it you will read about:

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The Industry Standard for Pipeline Engineering Calculations for Over 20 Years

The Pipeline Encroachment and Crossing Solution Buyers Guide

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The Solution Buyers Guide for RSTRENG & Pipeline Corrosion Analysis

Choosing the right Remaining Strength Solution for your pipeline assets means having enough information to make informed decisions. Smart corrosion management is a game-changer in the battle to protect and extend the value of your key pipeline assets. Technical Toolboxes created the Solution Buyers Guide for RSTRENG and Pipeline Corrosion Analysis to help you understand the hidden potential of smart corrosion management.

The Solution Buyers Guide for RSTRENG & Pipeline Corrosion Analysis

Download the Buyers Guide to find out:

  • How ILI and Level-2 analysis with RSTRENG changed the industry
  • Why it is the only Federally mandated corrosion tool
  • How remaining strength calculations extend asset life and reduce risk
  • Which solutions build on RSTRENG to magnify its value to you
  • The Zero-out Method and the massive savings it offers
  • And much more!

The Industry Standard for Pipeline Engineering Calculations for Over 20 Years

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